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Things to Prepare In Case of Calamities

Things to Prepare In Case of Calamities

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The unpredictability of calamities, such as earthquakes, explosions, tropical storms, and floods, presents a great deal of stress and life-threatening danger. Although calamities are not preventable and are becoming more frequent due to climate change, taking precautions and having an action plan beforehand will allow everyone to survive the crisis and get safely out of harm’s way. An effective response to an emergency involves having the necessary supplies and essentials on hand.

A disaster can be prevented in a number of ways, such as by having an appropriate emergency response strategy in the event of any natural disaster to ensure safety. Consider the following methods of disaster preparation to help minimize its impact:

Food and Water

When natural calamities occur, infrastructure damage and power outages impact food availability. Therefore, it is essential to have adequate supplies of food on hand. Prepare a three-day supply of non-perishable foods, including ready-made canned goods, crackers and high-calorie energy bars, as they can be kept for a long period of time without refrigeration. Aside from food, make sure you have access to sufficient drinking water to last for at least three days at a rate of one gallon per person per day.


Warmth and dryness are crucial factors to consider during calamities, so ensure to prepare sufficient clothing for any type of disaster. Sweaters and jackets, sweatpants, comfortable shoes, t-shirts and shorts made of cotton, underwear, socks and face masks are essential emergency clothing items in any situation.

Prepare a Disaster Supply Kit

A disaster supply kit consists of the necessities for survival in a crisis. This kit must be portable, convenient to carry in case of an evacuation and must meet the family’s specific needs. A disaster supply kit should be up-to-date and include the following items:

  • First-Aid Kit – This includes supplies for treating injuries and disaster relief items, such as adhesive bandages, sterile dressings, antibacterial wipe and sanitizers, ointments, and many others.
  • Tool Kit – This is a collection of basic hardware that may be useful in case of a disaster, such as wrenches, pliers, and screwdrivers.
  • Medical Kit – This kit contains medical supplies such as disposable scalpels and over-the-counter medications.


There is a high incidence of power outages following natural disaster events, which is why many households and businesses are investing in a generator in the Philippines since they offer the most practical solution in terms of reliability and convenience during calamities. The use of generators should be prioritized during typhoon season and extreme weather events since they provide electricity for a considerable amount of time.

Before operating a portable generator, ensure that the environment is safe for operation. Ideally, it should be operated outside and away from windows, doors, and vents. Also, follow the instructions provided by a manufacturer to determine the wattage of the necessary appliances. Diesel generators provide the highest quality backup for power outages as they are easy-to-use, reliable, and safer compared to gas generators.

Purchasing a portable generator does not need to wait until a crisis arises. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Generators are critical for disaster relief efforts as they eliminate most of the safety concerns by providing a source of electricity to a household or building.

Interested in purchasing a generator set in the Philippines? Then check out Alta Maxpower. With over 25 years of industry experience, Alta Maxpower Co. Inc. is a leading provider of high-performance and reliable power generators and rental generator services in the country. Get a quote from us by contacting us at (02) 8844 3476 or (02) 8832 8096 today.

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September 28, 2023
Things to Prepare In Case of Calamities
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